Localization Guidelines

Help to translate Videomass to other languages

Updates an existing translation


  • GNU gettext, to build .mo file.
  • poEdit, to do the actual translation I recommend poEdit, it allows you to create or update a translation catalog, for instance, a .po file from a .pot file.

There is a bit of difference between .po file format (portable object) and .pot file format (portable object template). Specifically, the videomass.pot file is just a template that contains the new strings not yet translated and should never be modified directly. The videomass.po file can instead be edited for translation and updated with the latest strings not yet translated, see below.

  • Download latest release of Videomass

  • Extract the archive and navigate inside the obtained folder.

  • Browse into the videomass3/locale folder, then choose the language folder to translate.

  • Locate videomass.po file related to your language, example:

    |__ videomass3
        |__ locale
            |__ it_IT
                |__ LC_MESSAGES
                    |__ videomass.po
  • Open the videomass.po file with poEdit

  • Click on poEdit menu bar -> Catalog -> Update from POT file…, then import the videomass.pot file template sited on locale folder. This is important as it ensures that the videomass.po file is fully updated with the latest translation strings.

  • Also, check the catalog property data on menu bar > Catalog > Property… and make sure it contains at least some updated information you could provide.

  • Now, you are ready to start your translation. When you’re done save your work; you can always resume your work from where you left off.

  • Before running Videomass to test your updated translation, Make sure Python3, wxPython, PyPubSub, requests and youtube-dl are installed. Visit the Videomass wiki page for installation details.

  • Try your new tranlation by open a terminal window, cd on the Videomass sources folder and type: python3 launcher.

When you have completed your translation with ‘PoEdit’, please Create a pull request or send me your videomass.po file at: jeanlucperni@gmail.com

I will be grateful!!

At your disposal for clarification.

Start with a new translation

If you are not familiar with the command line and some applications described below, STOP! Contact me and describe me in which language you want to translate Videomass. I will provide everything you need, so that you can only open [poEdit]poEdit and start your new translation.


  • GNU gettext (To build .pot and the .mo files)
  • poEdit, to do the actual translation I recommend poEdit, it allows you to create or update a translation catalog, for instance, a .po file from a .pot file.
  • Some kind of text editor to edit some code (notepad++, nano, Mousepad etc are sufficient)
  • Git, to clone the latest Videomass snapshot (optionally).

Note: The instructions below assume basic knowledge of the command line (OS independent)

  • To start a new translation, clone videomass with git command: git clone https://github.com/jeanslack/Videomass.git

  • Or download here latest Videomass snapshot, then unzip the archive.

  • In this example we assume that the new language to be translated is German.

  • Then, browse the new Videomass folder and create two new folders: de_DE folder and within which a LC_MESSAGES folder, like following tree:

    |__ videomass3
        |__ locale
            |__ de_DE
                |__ LC_MESSAGES
  • Copy the videomass.pot file translation template located in the /locale folder, and paste into the LC_MESSAGES folder.

  • Rename it to change extension name to videomass.po .

  • Now open the videomass.po with poEdit, check the catalog property data on menu bar > Catalog > Property… and make sure it contains at least some updated information you could provide.

  • Now, you are ready to start your new translation. When you’re done save your work; you can always resume your work from where you left off. This generates (compile) a file called videomass.mo with your new native language tanslation.

  • Before running Videomass to test your new translation, Make sure Python3, wxPython, PyPubSub, requests and youtube-dl are installed. Visit the Videomass wiki page for installation details.

  • Open the Videomass/videomass3/vdms_SYS/app_const.py file with your favorite text-editor and append the newly translated language line, for example:

    "de": wx.LANGUAGE_GERMAN,


    supLang = {"en": wx.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH,
               "it": wx.LANGUAGE_ITALIAN,
               "de": wx.LANGUAGE_GERMAN,
  • For a list of the supported languages to append on app_const.py, please see wx.Language

  • When finish save app_const.py .

  • Try your new tranlation by open a terminal window, cd on the Videomass sources folder and type: python3 launcher

When you have completed your new translation, please Create a pull request or send me your videomass.po file at: jeanlucperni@gmail.com

I will be grateful!!